Tuesday, 28 May 2013

O Cup #2 - Mansfield - the pre-ride story

Race report for Ontario Cup #2...Mansfield...
having fun and kicking butt (mostly mine) in Master Sport Women +40 category!

Usually (at least in my experience which isn't that long), Mansfield is our first race.  The start climb is pretty big and is usually the worst part of the course since all the fun swoopy trails are on the top of the escarpment.  So we go up, ride around, go down, repeat. 

Not this year.

This year Mansfield is our 2nd race.  And maybe since we have had extra time to prepare, this year they made a love it/hate it course.  Like golf.  One minute you hate it and are wondering why you are doing such a stupid annoying activity and just as suddenly it's all forgotten when you fall in love with a few swoopy fast fun turns heading down.

It all started at pre-ride.  Saturday morning, the day before the race.

I headed up the start climb.  The usual big wide slog of a hill with some sandy areas and rain ruts to watch for to not waste energy pedalling through, but generally the same deal as in the past. 

At the top, the course headed into a super fast 29er speed dream world. I know people complain about too much double track but this was pretty fun being able to ride as fast as you can without worrying about someone coming the other way, or walking their dog, etc. I felt like I was getting air cresting the hills and totally flying up with momentum.  Soooo fun. So my plan was to have a little gas in the tank at the top of the start climb so I could just pin it immediately and hopefully pass all the tired riders at the top.   The rest of this section following was pretty easy, really fast too...and went on for long enough I was starting to get suspicious...

Until I arrived at the wall.  When you look waaaay up and all the way is so steep they put snowmobile tracks along the center and tons of footprints on the sides that is never a good sign.  OK.  Plan to ride up as far as I can without killing my legs, hop off and hike the top.

Then some new trail.  Exit Wound it's called.  Well I don't want one of those...so I carefully carefully squeaked down...on foot...hmmm  Didn't want to crash with no one around to pluck me out of the trees so my plan was if I was riding behind someone who's skills I trusted...I'd follow them down...otherwise I'd just walk the too steep for Mommy parts.  Need to work on my downhill switchback skills.  Getting better but still not totally confident and because I am a control freak I need to be totally confident of my ability to ride something especially in a race.  I know what I'm supposed to do...just actually being perched on the side of a hill freaks me out! And probably since I've fallen off the edge down into a zillion hurtful trees before, the memory of that does not help!  If there are no trees I can totally do them.  No prob.  Duntroon has a couple on the front hill, and there were lots in Moab...all with no trees...
Anyway no prob, the new trail section is cool - need some bravery - should be ok.

Then down to the bottom, along the driveway....and....
Up up up up up up.  More up.  Too steep can't pedal anymore have to hike.  Seriously?  Gross.  As I'm hike-a-biking I'm getting more upset with myself.  What am I thinking?  I thought my fitness wasn't too bad but this is terrible!  I am even thinking I'm sorry I'm already signed up to race because I can't even ride this.  I suck!  And I am completely exhausted already and this is supposed to be an easy pre-ride lap...I might not go tomorrow...
I turn a corner on the totally evil hike-a-bike section...and see some people ahead.

Also hike-a-biking.
Immediately I feel better!   As I catch up to them, they are suffering like me!  I feel better again!  I don't suck!  I joined in their little group for a bit.  Chatting, complaining, laughing, and hiking on...getting the nasty climbing done.

And then immediately the course goes back to fun fun fun... flowy trail...happy times again...back in love with mountain biking!

While in the middle of the last fun section a group of guys caught up to me.  All decked out in matching race kits.  Lookin very speedy.  Asking to pass...basically wanting to get ahead before the next singletrack section to not get slowed down. Which is totally cool - they were completely friendly and nice too - all thanked me, etc.

They were a pretty big group - maybe 7 guys.  Not all of them managed to get ahead of me in time for the trail to start.  Now normally that would freak me out and I'd pull off immediately and let them all go by.  I used to be much slower.  I really didn't want to stop - or even worse - have to clip out fully...to let them by. After all that hiking I just didn't want be off my bike again.  So I just joined in the middle of their line and rode on until the next double track section to let them by then.  And I was glad I did!  I had no problem to keep up with their social pre-riding (non racing) speed. Another boost of confidence!  I don't suck again!

The pre-ride tally:
'Love it' wins.  Though the 'hate it' section is large.. I won't be the only hike-a-biker out there so at least I won't be totally embarrassed!

Still wasn't totally excited to race on Sunday. Which is unusual for me.  Yup - those hills are that hard!

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